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Planning, costs, budgets, options and man-maths.

One fantastic thing about the ListerBell Stratos package, and something that was really important to someone like me who had no real experience of kit cars and car building, was the fact that they could produce a comprehensive price list. The costs were also grouped into packages relating to the various stages of the build so it was easy to see what you were getting for the money. In addition to the standard parts price list there were various upgrades and options, each of which was priced separately, so that as far as practical it was possible to realistically price and budget for whatever spec of car you wanted to end up with.

In the case of my build, I allowed man-maths to run riot and think I ticked all the upgrade options from the spec sheet and went for all the additional components that were needed for the GP4 spec car including painted stripes and full rally decals. That was in addition to going for the 3.2 GT engine and having a full engine / gearbox rebuild and ticking the boxes for the ITB set-up and programmable ecu package.

I’d also allowed a bit of leeway in the budget for some additional customisation if there was an opportunity to upgrade to carbon components in the interior of the car or there were cosmetic or performance enhancements that became available during the build process.

Unpacking the bits…

The first thing that was really apparent when unpacking and cataloguing all the various boxes was that the components were of a really high quality and that the kit itself was very comprehensive. Since the initial stage of the build was to get to a rolling chassis stage the first consignment of parts related to the panels to form the structure of the car and the initial installation of the cooling, braking and suspension packages.